Sunday, July 6, 2008


Howdy! You may have noticed a couple of things about me. First, I am no longer Admiral Nelson. Why did I change? A couple of issues. First, there's a lot of Admiral Nelsons out there. Second, a lot of the places I frequent have a character limit on names, and Admiral Nelson was just too long. Third, I really like the postcards of Sandra Boynton. Take a look at them someday.

The next thing is a couple of announcements. First up, the issue of posting. I'm going to be a fish in the Corps this fall, and a chemical engineering fish at that! I may have trouble posting regularly, but I will certainly try to post once a week. Second, if you notice any Corps terms you don't recognize, feel free to ask (I might actually enlighten you). Third, I may eventually include links to other blogs, but for now the only one you need to watch is Petr's, since it has all the links you'll ever need. Fourth, just because I can find time to blog doesn't mean I'll be able to read everyone else's.

That's it for the announcements. Enjoy the show, and remember to turn off your cell phone.


Lisa said...
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HippoBirdy said...

Sorry I had to delete that comment, but it contained a major spoiler for my next post. Stay Tuned.