Monday, March 16, 2009

Spring Break (Also Human Nature)

Spring Break is obviously here, since I've found time to put up a new post. Yes, my life was that busy. Here's a quick breakdown of an average daily schedule.
0530: Wake up for PT. First call at 0535
0630: Begin preparing for formation. First call at 0645
0700: Morning formation and chow
0730: Get chewed out for doing things wrong at chow before leaving for class
0800-1200: Attend class and eat lunch
1200: Return to dorm and panic, since no racks have been made (see last post)
1259: Turn in paper that says we have made all racks one minute before due
1300-1500: Personal study time (hereafter termed PCQ)
1500-1545: Prepare uniform for inspection (must begin inspection by 1545)
1545-1600: Prepare for afternoon PT (drink water, read the world's news, etc)
1600-1630: Meet with buddies in fallout hole and argue about who should have been doing what
1630-1800: Get smoked until we can't do anymore, then get smoked for looking limp
1815: First call for evening formation and chow
1900: Return to dorm and take shower, prepare for CQ
1915 or 1930: Start CQ
2200: End CQ, personal time technically starts, go to fallout hole to get chewed out further
2215: Personal time really starts, begin polishing for next day.
2230: Lights out. Discuss daily problems with old lady, get mad at each other, etc.

As you can see, this is a really tough schedule. While I do get a fair amount of sleep, the stress I'm under is really getting to me. Due to the snoring of my old lady and a really annoying sophomore (not that they're all nice, but this one is especially a pain) I had a pretty bad breakdown last Wednesday morning. But that's not what's been causing my real stress.

Why a new paragraph? I really hate human nature. But the purpose of the Corps of Cadets is becoming more and more clear. Yes, it helps deal with stress, and yes, it makes you a leader, but the source of the stress and the leadership experience is conflict with human nature. The reason we have outfit brass is to make all the deadbeats, chopouts, and lazy people show up under the spotlight of a tremendous task. Our biggest task is now to decide what to do with them. Do we ditch them and make our class more efficient, while ruining the ambitions of those few? Or do we keep them and do what we can to make them do their jobs and ultimately, become better people? As much as I would like to help them along, the few are making the task much more difficult for the many. After brass is over, I'll tell you what we decide to do and how it turn out. Don't expect that post for a while. We're a big class and take a while to make decisions. In the meantime, prayers for our collective decision-making ability and my personal witness are appreciated.


e said...

I'll be praying, certainly!

Unknown said...

Keep your chin up and get some ear plugs....remember we love you dearly.

-Your Grammie