Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Corps Crud

It is that time of the year again. When 48,000 young men and women from all parts of the world gather together to advance their education... and share their particular diseases. The so-called "Corps Crud", so termed because it tends to affect the most densely packed and strongly interacting group of students on campus (that's right, I mean the Corps) is either particularly easily transmitted this year or is just so powerful that more people are complaining. It's certainly far worse than I remember last year. Additionally, there's at least one confirmed case of H1N1 "swine flu" in the First Wing, so their dorm is quarantined. Personally, I think that, in the Corps, diseases are like cockroaches: where you see one, there's probably ten more. It wouldn't surprise me if that's the particular corps crud this year.

In addition to Dorm 10 (where the First Wing resides) being quarantined, there are rumors of the band dorms (Dorms 9 and 11) being quarantined, as well as ours (Dorm 12). I talked to our health and safety sergeant today (he's taking numbers of those affected) and he said that a third of our outfit is currently sick, not counting those recently sick or those who have not yet complained. And that's why I didn't post over the start of the week. I had the exact same thing everyone else has. Monday about noon I had a scratchy throat. Monday about 3:00 I was so sick that I could barely get myself downstairs to sign out of the various afternoon training events. Tuesday was a total wash, and I either slept or tried to sleep all day. Today I'm feeling better, and I may start going to class and formations again tomorrow.


Lisa said...

Maybe now we know one of the reasons you felt bad on Saturday. Been praying for you and will continue.

Unknown said...

Praying for you, too! It's kinda hard to stay away from everyone else, isn't it, when you're so close together. God bless you with health and wisdom to do well in your classes and in your walk with Him...Love ya -

e said...

Boo! Hope you and your 48,000 friends get to feeling better quickly! Hate being sick while at college. Will be praying.