Sunday, December 7, 2008

The Corps is Dead (Long Live the Corps?)

That week that all college students alternately love and hate has arrived. Dead week and finals are here! The Corps has died along with classes. We basically have junior privileges that can't be taken away, and no classes to go to except for finals. The relief among the fish class has been expressed in a number of ways. I mysteriously acquired an online dating profile (of the non-reputable kind) and several people have had shaving cream bombs go off in their rooms, had their stuff duct-taped to the ceiling, or had "insignificant" items go missing. Between the bouts of mayhem, we've all found time to study until we think our heads will explode.

It really is amazing how different dead Corps is from live Corps. Instead of being constant training, we rarely see our upperclassmen, and when we do, we rarely interact. The only exception is our Squad Leader evaluations. Over the semester, we've been parts of squads of four to five fish led by a sophomore. That sophomore is our main trainer. He takes specific notice of how we do, eats chow with us, and makes sure we're keeping up with studies. This week, our squad leaders gave us an honest evaluation of how we did. It was pretty helpful. Our squad leader basically told us "You're going to have a hard time coming back. That's normal. You're going to regret coming back. That's also normal. PT over the break."

1 comment:

E.R. said...

It's always hard to "go back" anywhere, particularly somewhere as intense as the Corps, I would imagine. Hope finals go really well for you.